Running really?

So, I’m having to run to get in shape. I mean if Heather is reading this, I really like the running we do. Its so great! Running is the best exercise ever. I’m always so looking forward to running. I mean I do look forward to having time to talk on the run and catch up on things when I don’t feel like I’m going to die because I’m out of breath.


History of running

All throughout history, running was a way to get away from danger. You ran from your enemies, you ran from predators trying to eat you, and you possibly ran to get food from a near by fruit tree. Not once, other than the Romans, did you hear about running as a way to exercise. The whole approach to life was different. They were active without setting some time aside to run. They did things outside, they got water and brought it back to their village, etc… Activity was part of the routine of life.


We turned running into an exercise. I mean I don’t mind running around when I’m playing basketball, soccer(football) or something that is a sport. But going running for the sake of a run. And I bet its only going to get worse as kids and adults are stuck on their technology, browsing the world of nonsense (like this) and sharing it with other people. Running may be the elite thing people do, and if that is where its heading, I need to get more water for the village.

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